What media file types are included in QA Inventory?
The Media files section of the Quality Assurance Inventory includes the following categories: Audio, Images, Video, Flash and Java Applets.
You can view a list of the media files found on your website at,
Quality Assurance > Inventory > Media files
The following file types are indexed and included in each media category:
- wav
- winamp
- basic
- mid
- midi
- mp3
- mp4
- mpeg
- mpeg3
- mpg
- prs.sid
- wav
- x-aiff
- x-m4a
- x-mp3
- x-mpeg
- x-mpegurl
- x-ms-wax
- x-ms-wma
- x-ms-wmv
- x-pn-realaudio
- x-pn-realaudio-plugin
- x-scpls
- x-wav
- bmp
- eps
- gif
- bitmap
- cgm
- favicon
- gid
- ico
- icon
- icons
- jpeg
- jpg
- pict
- pjpe
- pjpeg
- png
- svg
- tif
- tiff
- vnd.djvu
- vnd.microsoft.icon
- x-citrix-gif
- x-citrix-pjpeg
- x-ico
- x-icon
- x-ipix
- x-ms-bmp
- x-png
- x-wmf
- x-xbitmap
- x-xbm
- x.djvu
- vnd-rn-realvideo
- x-dvi
- x-msvideo
- x-troff-msvideo
- flv-octet-stream
- 3gpp
- avi
- mp4
- mpeg
- msvideo
- quicktime
- vnd.rn-realvideo
- webm
- wmv
- x-flv
- x-m4v
- x-ms-asf
- x-ms-asx
- x-ms-wm
- x-ms-wmv
- x-ms-wmx
- x-ms-wvx
- x-msvideo
- x-director
- x-shockwave-flash
- x-shockwave-flash2-preview
Java applets
- java-archive
- java-vm
- x-java-applet
- x-java-bean
- x-java-jnlp-file
- x-java
- javascript
- x-javascript
- x-javascript.js
- vbscript
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