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How to connect to the Siteimprove API

Modified on: Tue, 20 Aug, 2024 at 5:15 PM

The Siteimprove API (Application Programming Interface) allows developers to integrate with the Siteimprove platform.

Detailed information and API reference documentation can be found on the Siteimprove Developer page.

The API requires the client to log in with a username and an API-key using Basic Access Authentication.

The client acts on behalf of the username supplied during authentication and receives the same permissions as if the username was logged into the Siteimprove platform.

You can create and manage API keys from the Integrations menu in the Siteimprove platform.

Note: You must have Account owner or Administrator permissions to set up an API key. Siteimprove is happy to help with questions regarding connecting to the API documentation, or issues with API endpoints. Siteimprove does not provide product help for the third-party software or consultation for custom API implementations.

To set up a connection to the API

  1. Go to Settings > Integrations > API > API KeysAPI_key_configuration_page
  2. Click on "Add user" if the user doesn't already exist in the Siteimprove Platform. If the user already exists, skip to step number 4 below. 
  3. Create a user with the rights and roles you want the API user to have in the platform.
    (For further information on adding a user read the article - How do I add a user?)
  4. Click on "Create API Key"
  5. Give your API Key a description and choose an existing user or the user that you created earlier.Create_API_setup_page
  6. Select "Create API Key"
  7. The API Key can now be seen in the API Key table and used to gain access to the Siteimprove API.

Note: You can visit the Siteimprove API website and log in with the API user name and API key as shown in the API Key table to access the Siteimprove API and API documentation.

API Reference

All URLs referenced in this documentation have the following base URL:

The Siteimprove REST API is served over HTTPS for improved data privacy. HTTP is not supported.

Three endpoints will assist you in exploring the API:

The API itself provides HAL-style navigation links to explore the full API.

The documentation contains descriptions of all endpoints, parameters, and returned values. It also offers the ability to try out all the endpoints.

The OpenAPI spec (formerly Swagger) is a formal definition of the API, suitable for use in e.g. code generation.

You must authenticate with your account credentials in order to access any part of the API, including the links above.

Other helpful API reference documentation

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