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2020 updates to the Siteimprove platform

Modified on: Fri, 21 Jan, 2022 at 4:42 PM

Here you can see the updates made to the Siteimprove platform in 2020.

December 10th, 2020:

Data Privacy: Cookies widget on Overview page

We have added a Cookies widget to the Data Privacy Overview page.

The widget provides a list of the four most recently detected cookies across the domains of an account. You can get more details by clicking a cookie.

At the bottom of the widget, we have added a link to the Cookie Inventory page, which has a full list of cookies.

Integrations: CMS Deeplinking request form

We have added a new CMS Deeplinking request form to the platform. 

The new request form can be accessed by clicking the "Request CMS Deeplinking" button on the CMS Deeplinks page under Integrations in the platform.


December 3rd, 2020:

Data Privacy: Restructured menu

We have rearranged the order of menu items in Data Privacy.

To help improve the user experience, we have also renamed certain menu items and added new icons.


Quality Assurance: Dismiss broken links from 'Pages with Broken Links'

We have added options to dismiss broken links on the page Pages with Broken Links.

These match the options you'll find on the Broken Links page.

November 26th, 2020:

Crawler Management

We have added a Crawler Management section under Settings in the platform. The new section has two pages: Site Overview and Scan History.

On the Site Overview page, you can check the scan status of all sites on your account. This will help you keep an overview of when your sites are crawling.

On the Scan History page, you can see the details of a full scan, which includes queue time, crawl time, and processing time. This provides insights into all crawls performed on a specific site.

The Crawler Management section is by default only available to Administrators and Account Owners.

November 19th, 2020:

Accessibility NextGen: Period picker for charts

We have added a period picker for charts in the Accessibility NextGen product.

With the period picker, you can set a timeframe based on custom dates or preset options. The preset options include: Last 7 days, Last 14 days, Last 30 days, and Last 90 days.

Sign up for our Accessibility NextGen product.

Edit width of dashboard widgets

You can now select the width of dashboard widgets when adding or editing widgets for custom dashboards.

The width options are: 25% of dashboard, 50% of dashboard, 75% of dashboard, and Full width of dashboard.

November 12th, 2020:

Performance: Suggested Improvements

We have updated the Suggested Improvements in Performance.

The issue details pages now include affected visitor profiles, estimated savings in seconds, and guides on how to fix specific issues. 

The optimized Suggested Improvement should make it easier for you to find the most practical solutions to your Performance issues.

November 5th, 2020:

Web Security Product Launch

Our Web Security product is now live! It includes features such as:

  • Score overview
  • Web Security categories
  • Detected issues list
  • Issue details with recommendations
  • Website Certificates
  • Email Alerts
  • Historic Overview

If you want to read more about our newest product and try it out in the Siteimprove platform, go to our Web Security page.

Quality Assurance: Confirm or dismiss broken links

[Live on all markets]

We have updated our Broken Links page to make your work easier and to avoid using time on false-positive broken links.

The new page includes three tabs: Confirmed broken links, Links to review, and Dismissed links.

The "Confirmed broken links" table lists all URLs that return a 404, a soft 404, or a 410 HTTP status code. The "Links to review" table shows all URLs returning any other unsuccessful HTTP status code.

From "Links to review", you can choose to confirm a link broken, thereby moving it to "Confirmed broken links".

You now also have the option to dismiss broken links:

  • You can dismiss a link forever which moves the link to the Dismissed links table and remains there, unless you revert the decision.
  • You can dismiss a link for now which moves the link to the Dismissed links table but if the HTTP status code of the link changes, it will automatically move back to Confirmed broken links or Links to review.

When dismissing a link, you have the option to add a comment that documents why the link is dismissed. This will help create transparency if you are multiple users working on broken links.


Integrations: Accessibility NextGen checks in CMS plugins

We have added Accessibility NextGen checks in our CMS plugins.

These will only be available for accounts that are currently using our Accessibility NextGen product in the platform.

The checks include: Level A, Level AA, Level AAA, WAI-ARIA best practices, and Siteimprove best practices.

Sign up for our Accessibility NextGen product.

October 29th, 2020:

Ads: Make real-time changes in your Google Ads

You can now push changes from Siteimprove Ads to your Google Ads account.

This means that you can make real-time changes based on recommendations in Siteimprove Ads.

By doing so, you can optimize spending across different campaigns, manage bids on a keyword-level, and much more.

You can push changes from four different pages in Siteimprove Ads: Campaign details, Ad Group details, Keyword Details, and Ad Details.

By default, only Administrators and Account Owners will have the option to make real-time changes in Ads. But you can customize permissions for other users by going to Settings > Users > Roles.

You can read more in our Help Center article: Using Siteimprove Ads to make real-time changes in your Google Ads.

Web Security: DCI Benchmark on score

We have added an industry benchmark for Web Security scores.

As with other modules, this helps you understand how you are progressing compared to others in the same industry.

Web Security: Ignore issue occurrences

We have added an option to ignore issue occurrences. 

By ignoring issue occurrences, you can filter out the issues that you are not able to fix.

Web Security: Website certificates - Calendar view

We have added a calendar view to the Website certificates page.

You can already filter certificates based on when they expire, but the calendar view offers a clearer overview of upcoming expiration dates.

Web Security: Score Breakdown page

We have added a Score Breakdown page for Web Security.

As with other modules, the page helps you understand the logic behind the calculation of the Web Security score.

October 22nd, 2020:

Crawler: ''-domain no longer checked

As Twitter is blocking crawlers, including our content crawler, we are no longer checking the domain to avoid flagging false positives broken links. 

See this article for further information.

Policy: HTML-match option in 'Get started' wizard

We have added an HTML-match option to the 'Get started' wizard in the learn component on the My Policies page.

Using this option, you can quickly create policies based on something found in the HTML source of a page.

CMS Deeplinks page

We have added a CMS Deeplinks page under Integrations.

The page documents the advantages of setting up CMS deeplinking, and it links to our request form and articles with technical details on CMS deeplinking.

Web Security: CSV export of Detected and Resolved issues

We have added an option to export the Detected issues and Resolved issues tables to a CSV file. 

When going to either of the two tables, you will now see a ".csv" button in the top-right corner of the table. By clicking the button, you will be able to export all the information from the table to a CSV file.

October 15th, 2020:

Quality Assurance: Confirm or dismiss broken links

[Live on selected markets: AU, CAN, IE, NZ, UK & US]

We have updated our Broken Links page to make your work easier and to avoid using time on false-positive broken links.

The new page includes three tabs: Confirmed broken links, Links to review, and Dismissed links.

The Confirmed broken links table lists all URLs that return a 404, a soft 404, or a 410 HTTP status code. The Links to review table shows all URLs returning any other unsuccessful HTTP status code.

From Links to review, you can choose to confirm if a link broken, thereby moving it to Confirmed broken links.

You now also have the option to dismiss broken links:

  • You can dismiss a link forever which moves the link to the Dismissed links table and remains there, unless you revert the decision.
  • You can dismiss a link for now which moves the link to the Dismissed links table but if the HTTP status code of the link changes, it will automatically move back to Confirmed broken links or Links to review.

When dismissing a link, you have the option to add a comment that documents why the link is dismissed. This will help create transparency if you are multiple users working on broken links.


Accessibility NextGen: New checks added

We have added 15 new checks to our Accessibility NextGen product.

We now also check for:

  • Headers attribute only refers to cells in the same table
  • Table header cells have assigned data cells
  • Headings are structured
  • Document starts with a level 1 heading
  • Paragraphs of text are not justified
  • Paragraphs of text are not all uppercase
  • Paragraphs of text have a line height of at least 1.5 times the text size
  • Font sizes are not specified using absolute lengths
  • Font sizes are not smaller than the smallest absolute size
  • Line heights are not specified using absolute lengths
  • Links with identical accessible names and context serve equivalent purpose
  • Zoomed text node is not clipped with CSS overflow
  • Scrollable element is keyboard accessible
  • Paragraphs of text are not all italic
  • Element marked as decorative is not exposed

Sign up for our Accessibility NextGen product.

October 8th, 2020:

Web Security: Website certificates

Our new Website certificates page in Web Security shows which SSL certificates that will expire soon.

The page includes a Certificate overview widget and a list of certificates where you can sort on Expired certificates and Certificates expiring within 30 days.

Accessibility NextGen: Thumbnails in Page Report

We have added thumbnails in Accessibility NextGen Page Reports.

These allow you to quickly see which images you should work on and where they are located on a page. 

September 24th, 2020:

Web Security: Export the Overview page

We have added an option to export the Overview page in Web Security to PDF or print.


Performance: Overview Dashboard widget

After redesigning the Page Overview page in Performance, we have updated our our Performance Overview Dashboard widget to resemble the new page.

The updated Dashboard widget provides you with the same information as the Page Overview.

CMS plugin: Landing Page Optimization details in Unpublish section

[Live on all markets]

We have added Landing Page Optimization checks, provided by Ads, to the Unpublish section of our CMS plugins.

It makes it even easier for you to find out if unpublishing specific pages will impact your websites.

Additionally, we have improved our Unpublish section by dividing checks into two categories: Main impact and Potential impact.

SEO Advanced: Google Search Console Learn component 

[Live on all markets]

We have added a Learn component to the Google Search Console page in SEO Advanced. The page can be found under Research > Google Search Console.

The Learn component informs you about how Google Search Console can provide deeper insights into how your sites are performing in Google.

September 17th, 2020:

Analytics: Social Media/Search Engine filters

You can now create filters based on search engines and social media channels.

Search engines include:Social media channels include:
  • Altavista
  • Aol
  • Ask
  • Baidu
  • Bing
  • DuckDuckGo
  • Ecosia
  • Eniro
  • Google
  • Jubii
  • MSN
  • Yahoo
  • Others
  • Academia
  • CaringBridge
  • Facebook
  • Flickr
  • Foursquare
  • Google+
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest
  • Reddit
  • Snapchat
  • Stumbleupon
  • Tumblr
  • Twitter
  • VK
  • Vine
  • WhatsApp
  • XING
  • Yelp
  • Youtube

New URL Shortener integration: ClickMeter

We have added ClickMeter as our newest URL Shortener integration.

By connecting your ClickMeter account to Siteimprove, you can check if any ClickMeter links have been created for specific pages.

Read more about all of our integrations on the Siteimprove Connectors page.

September 10th, 2020:

Accessibility NextGen: DCI® Score Breakdown

We have added the Accessibility Score Breakdown to NextGen. The page is similar to the one found in our current Accessibility product.

The page lists different checks and how they weigh in on the Accessibility score.

Sign up for our Accessibility NextGen product.

SEO Advanced: Google Search Console Learn component 

[Live on selected markets: AU, CAN, IE, NZ, UK & US]

We have added a Learn component to the Google Search Console page in SEO Advanced. The page can be found under Research > Google Search Console.

The Learn component informs you about how Google Search Console can provide deeper insights into how your sites are performing in Google.

CMS plugin: Landing Page Optimization details in Unpublish section

[Live on selected markets: AU, CAN, IE, NZ, UK & US]

We have added Landing Page Optimization checks, provided by Ads, to the Unpublish section of our CMS plugins.

It makes it even easier for you to find out if unpublishing specific pages will impact your websites.

Additionally, we have improved our Unpublish section by dividing checks into two categories: Main impact and Potential impact.

Performance: New Page Overview

We have updated the Page Overview in Performance.

This means that you can now sort your Performance pages into different categories of your own choosing. The new overview will improve your ability to manage your pages in Performance.

August 27th, 2020:

Accessibility NextGen: JIRA and Azure DevOps integrations added

You can now create tasks in Jira and Azure DevOps from the Accessibility NextGen module. Jira and Azure DevOps provide issue tracking and project management functions for software projects. Once the integration is configured, users can easily report Accessibility issues found by Siteimprove in these tracking tools.

SEO Advanced: Indexed Pages for Google Search Console removed

Google has deprecated the Indexed pages count from its Search Console API.
In line with this, we have removed the Indexed Pages tab from the Google Search Console integration view in SEO Advanced.

SEO Advanced: Google Search Console graph updated

To improve the visualization of incomplete months on the graph, this update introduces:

  • Plot-bands on the x-axis to highlight
  • Appended text in the tooltip
  • Dashed lines

August 20th, 2020:

Web Security: Score added to domain picker

We have added the domain Web Security score to the domain picker. This allows users to see the score when selecting a domain in Web Security.

August 13th, 2020:

Web Security: Updated Domain picker

We have added a search option in the Domain picker. It lets you search through your domains when working in Web Security.

Web Security: Resolved issues

We have updated the Issues page in Web Security. It now has two tabs at the top of the page: Detected issues and Resolved issues. 

Resolved issues show all issue types that currently have no occurrences on the domain you are looking at. It might be issue types that you have solved, or ones that were never found on your domain.

Accessibility NextGen: New filters on Issues pages

We have added new filters to Issues, Potential issues, and Resolved issues in the Accessibility NextGen product. 

You can now filter on: Difficulty, Element type, Responsibility, and Conformance level. The Difficulty filter is only available on the Issues page.

Sign up for our Accessibility NextGen product.

Accessibility NextGen: Responsibility

We have added a new Responsibility filter. This will replace the roles that we have in our current Accessibility product.

Instead of using specific roles, we have chosen to operate with different areas of responsibility: Visual Design, UX Design, Content Writing, and Development. 

Every Accessibility issue is tied to a specific area of responsibility.

Sign up for our Accessibility NextGen product.

July 23rd, 2020:

Performance: Desktop device measurements

You can now choose the desktop device when adding a page to your Performance measurements.

By representing both mobile and desktop users, we are able to offer better and more realistic views of how your sites are performing. 

July 16th, 2020:

Analytics: Improved Visitors Summary page

We have added new charts to the Visitors > Summary page in Analytics.

You will now be able to see your Analytics data summarized in different new charts: pie charts, matrix charts, etc. These can also be exported to your Dashboard.

Ads: Upgraded data fetch

We have updated the way we fetch data from Google Ads APIs. 

Now you will get your Ads data updated every 4 hours instead of once per day.

July 9th, 2020:

Performance: Improved Video Playback

We have redesigned our Video Player on the Visitor Profile Results page in Performance.

This improves keyboard navigation and general accessibility.

Web Security: Improved Issue Details

We have added more thorough issue descriptions and references on the Issue Details pages in Web Security.

The pages have also been redesigned to align with the rest of the platform.

July 2nd, 2020:

Performance: Network Details

We have updated the Network Details table on the Visitor Profile Results page in Performance.

We have improved the design and the keyboard navigation. You will also be able to export the list of assets as a CSV file.

Azure DevOps integration

You can now connect to your Azure DevOps organization directly from the Siteimprove platform!

You can set up the connection in the platform by going to Integrations > Task Management > Connections. Here you can choose between Jira and Azure DevOps connections.

After connecting, you can create work items for Azure DevOps within Policy, Accessibility, Quality Assurance, and SEO.

You can read more about this and all our integrations on our Integrations page.

SEO: Improved Google Search Console

[Live for all markets]

On our Google Search Console page in SEO, you can now see which search terms are attached to specific pages.

With this new feature, you will be able to analyze which keywords are bringing traffic per specific page.

This is very valuable when setting target pages, as you can find new keywords/search terms attached to your target page.

Reporting on all sites for Quality Assurance Dashboard Widgets

We have added the option to see data across all your sites when using certain Quality Assurance dashboard widgets.

The new cross-site view is available for: Broken Links table, Broken Links status ring, Misspellings status ring, and the QA DCI score.

June 25th, 2020:

SEO: Improved Google Search Console

[Live on selected markets: DK, NO, SE, IS, EE, LV, & FI]

On our Google Search Console page in SEO, you can now see which search terms are attached to specific pages.

With this new feature, you will be able to analyze which keywords are bringing traffic per specific page.

This is very valuable when setting target pages, as you can find new keywords/search terms attached to your target page.

Improved Edit User/My Profile page

We have introduced tabs to provide a better overview of the Edit User/My Profile page in Settings.

Previously, you would have to scroll down the page to find certain settings. You can now click the tabs to find the specific settings instead.

Performance: Updated Content Breakdown

We have updated the Content Breakdown on the Visitor Profile Results page in Performance.

This provides better overview insights and has a heightened focus on improved Accessibility.

June 18th, 2020:

SEO: Improved Google Search Console

[Live on selected markets: AU, CAN, IE, NZ, UK & US]

On our Google Search Console page in SEO, you can now see which search terms are attached to specific pages.

With this new feature, you will be able to analyze which keywords are bringing traffic per specific page.

This is very valuable when setting target pages, as you can find new keywords/search terms attached to your target page.

June 11th, 2020:

Analytics: Account Overview of Behavior Maps

We have released a new Account Overview page of Behavior Maps in Analytics. The page will help you keep track of all Behavior Maps used on your account.

The overview can be accessed from the Behavior Maps page by clicking the new "Go to Account Overview" button.

Analytics: Segmentation Map improvements

We now offer even more options to segment your data on our Segmentation Map.

The new segmentation options include Visitor types, Funnels, Filters, and Monitored campaigns.

June 4th, 2020:

New version of the Adobe AEM plugin

We have released an updated version of our Adobe AEM plugin.

The new version provides better Enterprise and multi-site handling. It is now possible to use the plugin on specific parts of one or multiple sites.

We have also added an Unpublish workflow component.

An updated installation guide and user manual are available on the Adobe Experience Manager page.

Performance: Improved error messaging

We have updated the error messaging in the Creation Flow in Performance.

You can now gain insights into why the flow might be failing, and you have the option to continue setting up the URL even if it returns with an unsuccessful HTTP status code. 

May 28th, 2020:

Performance: New Page details

We have redesigned the Page details in Performance. We now present web page performance measurements in a new way!

The changes provide a better overview of how a page is performing across different visitor profiles.

We have added a Status table that shows how the page is currently performing based on the distribution of the measurements, the number of suggested improvements, and the average Performance score. Also, a Progress tab is included, which visualizes the specific measurements performed on the page.

A new map shows measurements for different regions, and our list of Suggested Improvements will help you prioritize what you should work on to improve your web pages' performance.

Performance: New location added

We have now added Hong Kong as a new location in Performance.

Accessibility Explorer

We have introduced a new feature called Accessibility Explorer.

This is a new option to explore a range of vision impairments in the Accessibility Page Report. You will find the option at the top right corner of the Page Report.

By using the Explorer, you will get a better understanding of the consequences of having an inaccessible site.

Ads: Misspellings

[Now live in all markets]

We have introduced a new misspelling check in Ads that helps you avoid making spelling mistakes in your ads.

Through the All Ads tab in Data Explorer, you will find a new column called Content Check which shows you the number of misspellings detected in each ad.

By clicking the number of misspellings, you are directed to the Ad Details page where the Content Check Status informs you of when the ad was last checked and what language was used. You can edit the language from here if needed.

At the bottom of the Ad Details page, a new Misspellings widget will show you the words that have been marked as a spelling mistake. From there, you can manage which words should be allowed.

New URL Shortener integrations

[Now live in all markets]

We now offer integrations to Bitly, Rebrandly, and T2M.

Further, we now also show information on shortened URLs in the Siteimprove CMS plugin. Also if you are using Siteimprove's own URL shortener in Analytics.

See our Connectors page for more information.

May 14th, 2020:

Analytics Script available in the platform

Under Tracking in Analytics Settings, we have added a new Analytics Script page. The new page displays the tracking code snippet needed in order to collect data from your sites.

The script will be available at all times for Analytics and Usability users that have an Administrator or Account Owner role.

SEO: Credit management

[Now live in all markets]

Under SEO Settings, we have added a new Credits Overview page. This will make it possible for Account Owners and Administrators to allocate and limit credits for each site on the account.

On the new page, you get an overview of credits in use and you can change allocated credits. A bulk-manage function has also been added, which saves you multiple clicks if you have a lot of sites on your account.

SEO credits are needed to create Activity Plans within SEO Advanced.

May 7th, 2020:

Ads: Misspellings

[Live on selected markets: AU, CAN, IE, NZ, UK & US]

We have introduced a new misspelling check in Ads that helps you avoid making spelling mistakes in your ads.

Through the All Ads tab in Data Explorer, you will find a new column called Content Check which shows you the number of misspellings detected in each ad.

By clicking the number of misspellings, you are directed to the Ad Details page where the Content Check Status informs you of when the ad was last checked and what language was used. You can edit the language from here if needed.

At the bottom of the Ad Details page, a new Misspellings widget will show you the words that have been marked as a spelling mistake. From there, you can manage which words should be allowed.

New URL Shortener integrations

[Live on selected markets: AU, CAN, IE, NZ, UK & US]

We now offer integrations to Bitly, Rebrandly, and T2M.

Further, we now also show information on shortened URLs in the Siteimprove CMS plugin. Also if you are using Siteimprove's own URL shortener in Analytics.

See our Connectors page for more information.

April 23rd, 2020:

DCI: Overview and My Sites

We have added a new menu item called Digital Certainty Index (DCI) to increase insight and visibility into your DCI scores.

The new menu item also features a 'My Sites' area which lets you compare DCI scores for all your sites.

It is our vision to continuously focus and improve on the DCI.

Performance: New locations added

We have now added three new location in Performance:

  • Stockholm, Sweden
  • São Paulo, Brazil
  • Montreal, Canada

SEO: Credit management

[Live on selected markets: AU, CAN, IE, NZ, UK & US]

Under SEO Settings, we have added a new Credits Overview page. This will make it possible for Account Owners and Administrators to allocate and limit credits for each site on the account.

On the new page, you get an overview of credits in use and you can change allocated credits. A bulk-manage function has also been added, which saves you multiple clicks if you have a lot of sites on your account.

SEO credits are needed to create Activity Plans within SEO Advanced.

April 16th, 2020:

Ads: Insights Stream

[Now live in all markets]

We have released a new feature to our Ads product called Insights Stream. 

The purpose of the feature is to make information offered by Siteimprove more actionable through specific recommendations.

The Insights Stream analyzes Ads data and provides you with an easy overview of the most effective actions.

Quality Assurance: New Broken Links Dashboard Widgets

We have added two new Dashboard Widgets to choose from: Confirmed broken links and Links to review.

These are the same broken link types that can be found in Quality Assurance > Broken Links.

SEO: Improved Competitor Analysis page

The Competitor Analysis page has gotten its own menu item under SEO > Activity Plans.

We have updated the page with a new Activity Plan picker at the top. Also, new Keywords filters are available. These will let you filter on Winners, Losers, and Threats.

April 2nd, 2020:

SEO: New highlights added to Keyword Details

We have added new highlights to the Keyword Details page, which are Featured snippets (if the keyword has any) and Opportunities.

Opportunities will show snippets that are triggered by the particular keyword but currently link to a competitor's page.

The new highlights will also be available through the Featured snippets column on the Keyword Monitoring page.

SEO: Bulk Keyword Import "Learn" component

You will now see a "Learn" component when you access the Bulk Keyword Import page under SEO Settings.

The component will define the specifications on the files you can use when bulk importing keywords.

March 26th, 2020:

Deactivate a policy

[Now live in all markets]

You can now deactivate policies. When deactivated, the policy is moved to the new "Inactive" table on the My Policies page.

Inactive policies are not run, unless you reactivate them. This will then start a new run of the policy and place is back on the "Active" table.

March 19th, 2020:

Edit Dashboard Widget titles

We have added the option to edit dashboard widget titles. You can do this by clicking "Edit widget" on an existing widget or when you add a new widget to a dashboard.


Change number of items per page in Dashboard Widgets

You can now specifically choose the number of items per page that you want to see in your dashboard widgets. The option will appear when you add a new widget or edit an existing one.


Individual columns for "Last login" and "Date added" on Manage Users page

We will now present the "Last login" and "Date added" information in two separate columns on the Manage Users page. Previously, these were presented as one column on the page.

March 12th, 2020:

Bulk import keywords in SEO

You can now bulk import your keywords to our SEO module in Siteimprove. 

Under SEO Settings, you will find Bulk Keyword Import that lets you either paste in all your keywords, or upload a .csv or .txt file containing your keywords. You can upload up to 1000 keywords at the time.

Quality Assurance: Broken Links / Links to review

On our Broken Links page in Quality Assurance, we have introduced a new category of links called "Links to review".

The differentiation between "Broken Links" and "Links to review" is based on the HTTP status code. Error codes, 404 and 410 will be marked as broken links while the remaining unsuccessful status codes will mark the link as one to review.

New Overview page in Data Privacy

We have added a new Overview page to Data Privacy, which will let you search across sites using Universal Search. 

Furthermore, you will have components showing historical graph trends on Personal Identification Numbers, Phone numbers, and Email addresses that are found on your sites.

March 5th, 2020:

Ads: Insights Stream

We have released a new feature to our Ads product called Insights Stream. 

The purpose of the feature is to make information offered by Siteimprove more actionable through specific recommendations.

The Insights Stream analyzes Ads data and provides you with an easy overview of the most effective actions.

SEO: Robots meta tag filter on Duplicate Content

You can now filter on pages with "noindex" and "nofollow" meta tags under Optimize > Duplicate Content in SEO. 


SEO: Non-canonical pages filter added to Issues and Recommendations

We have added a filter to the "Pages" tab on the Issues and Recommendations page so you can now see non-canonical pages.

February 27th, 2020:

SEO: Featured snippets now available in Keyword Monitoring

We have added a Featured snippets column to your monitored keywords in Keyword Monitoring.

You can now see the featured snippets, that would appear at the top of Google's organic search results, directly in the Siteimprove platform!

SEO: Branded keywords filter on Keyword Performance

You can now choose to filter between branded and non-branded keywords when checking your keywords' performance. 

The filter is also available on the Keyword Monitoring and Keyword Discovery pages.

SEO: Quick links added to Competitor Analysis

To enhance the user experience of Competitor Analysis in SEO, we have added three quick links on the page: Top ranking pages by keyword, Top keywords by domain, and Competitor settings

See all historical chart annotations

You are now able to see all chart annotations ever created on your account.

By choosing "Show all" on the annotations table of any graph, you are seeing all annotations ever made for the specific graph.

New unpublish functionality in our CMS plugin

You can now use the CMS plugin to check if unpublishing a page will have an impact on your site.

Through the plugin's unpublish check, it will be able to identify any potential issues, and you are then able to make informed changes when unpublishing a page.

This functionality will only present information from the parts of the Siteimprove platform that you subscribe to.

February 20th, 2020:

Analytics: Data Exclusion Settings

We have added the option to exclude all Analytics traffic generated by known bots and crawlers. The bots and crawlers are based on an industry known list, provided by IAB (The Interactive Advertising Bureau).

You also have the option to apply specific filter decisions per site in Analytics, as well as configuring default settings for when new sites are added.

The Data Exclusion Settings are only available for users with an Administrator or Account Owner role.

Analytics: Auto-detect UTM links in Campaigns

You now have the option to auto-detect UTM links when setting up a campaign in Analytics. 

When adding a new campaign, a checkbox appears, and you can then choose if you want to have all Analytics traffic that matches the utm_campaign value automatically added to the monitored campaign.

Jira integration now available in Quality Assurance

You can now create Jira issues from multiple places within Quality Assurance: Pages with Broken Links, Broken Links, Pages with Misspellings or Words to Review, and All Quality Assurance Issues under QA Overview.

Jira integration is also available in Policy, Accessibility, and SEO.

February 13th, 2020:

Policy: Bulk re-check pages that match a policy

Under My Policies > Policy details, we have added a bulk "Re-check" button at the top of the list of pages that match a policy.

This will make it easy to quickly re-check all pages or tick off a handful of pages in the list and bulk re-check those.

CMS Plugins

The CMS plugin is now available for users of Jahia CMS.

February 6th, 2020:

Accessibility: Tagging made available on PDFs

You can now use tags to better categorize and organize your PDFs in Accessibility.

It is already possible to tag sites and pages in Siteimprove and this is now available for PDFs in Accessibility as well.

Increased limit of sub-table exports to 500 rows

We have increased the maximum amount of exportable rows on sub-tables from 200 to 500. Sub-tables can be included in Excel exports when you click to export a main table.

This makes it easier to export data from the Siteimprove platform.

January 30th, 2020:

Ads: Campaign performance metrics now visualized on world map

You can now get a visual world map overview of how your Google Ads campaigns perform. This is in addition to the existing three trend graphs in Ads > Data Explorer.

In addition to Clicks and Impressions available on the map, we have added Cost, Click-through Rate, Conversion Rate, Cost-per-Conversion, Return on Ad Spend, and Revenue.

Policy: New "Learn" component to support user onboarding

[Now live in all markets]

The My Policies page now features a new Learn component containing two tabs:

The "Introduction" tab aims to inspire new users to use pre-made policies from the Policy Library or to create their own custom policies.

The "Get started" tab offers an interactive widget that aims to help users create a policy to, for example, find pages missing a meta description.

Policy: Update of DCI Score Dashboard 

The Policy widget on the DCI Score Dashboard has been updated and now presents a trend graph of the total number of Policy matches on the chosen site. The graph goes back six months.

Previously, this Policy widget displayed the current total number of Policy matches on the site for example “100+”.

Data Privacy: New "Learn" component

Last in line of a number of improvements released to Universal Search, we have added a two tab Learn component:

One tab offers a short introduction and links to the Help Center where you can learn more about Universal Search, and the other tab provides tips for how to optimize a search for more targeted results.

January 23rd, 2020:

Use tags to filter pages in Readability

It is now possible to filter Readability pages by tags. This was already possible in Inventory > Pages.

Tags let users more easily categorize pages within Siteimprove and can be added automatically via the Policy module or manually by Account Owners and Administrators.

Policy Library templates added less than 50 times removed

We have cleaned up the Policy Library by removing 19 policy templates that had been added less than 50 times.

Policy templates removed:

  • Embedded Videos
  • Difficult-to-read pages (Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level)
  • Difficult-to-read pages (Flesch Reading Ease)
  • Difficult-to-read pages (Gunning Fog)
  • Difficult-to-read pages (LIX)
  • Difficult-to-read pages (SMOG)
  • Difficult-to-read pages (ARI)
  • Difficult-to-read pages (Coleman-Liau)
  • H1 headers exceeding __ characters
  • Banks and banking: presence of disclaimer in ad about the effect of fees
  • Banks and banking: Find mention of "annual percentage yield" in advertisement
  • HTML forms on any page
  • HTML forms on HTTP pages
  • Brand names that appear without ® and/or ™ symbols
  • Words exceeding __ characters
  • Words that are not followed/preceded by specific words
  • Banned words in German
  • Banned words in Norwegian
  • Banned words in Swedish

January 16th, 2020:

Policy: New Learn component to support user onboarding

[Live on selected markets: AU, CAN, IE, UK & US]

The My Policies page now features a new Learn component containing two tabs.

The "Introduction" tab aims to inspire new users to use pre-made policies from the Policy Library or to create their own custom policies.

The "Get started" tab offers an interactive widget that aims to help you create a policy to, for example, find pages missing a meta description.

Removing CSS and HTML validation checks from SEO

The two SEO checks that report on validation issues with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) or HTML have been removed. 

"Groups" tab in SEO moved to a separate page

To support consistency across platform, the "Groups" tab is being turned into its own separate page, which can be found in the left hand side menu under SEO > Optimize. It will include the same information as the "Groups" tab did previously.

Improved search experience in Universal Search

Data Privacy customers can now filter Universal Search results based on file type(s). The included file types are: HTML pages, PDFs, Presentations, Spreadsheets, Documents, Images, and Other files. 

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