Site target expanded: set customizable goals and track progress (part of the Q2, 2023 launch)
Available from the 31st of May as part of the 2023, Q2 launch.
With this release, we are aiming to make the site target more flexible and transparent.
We are tackling two problems:
- “I can’t compare and track my Accessibility progress across sites.”
- The DCI score is a benchmarking score reflecting the overall health of my website, it can be hard to understand how a site is performing in relation to the goals set for that site
- “The site target is not specific enough to fit the needs of my organization"
- I can only specify down to the conformance level, this is a challenge since my organization only want to focus on specific WCAG levels or issue types.
The solution
To solve these challenges we are introducing two new solutions: 1. a distance to target value and 2. more options for customizing your site target.
The features explained
1. Distance to target
"Points to target" column.
The column called "Points to target" is found in the My Sites overview, and it gives the user an absolute number of points needed to reach a customized goal for specific sites. "Points to target" is calculated by finding the difference between the DCI score and the Site target score.
To find the "Points to target" column:
- In the menu to the left click "Accessibility."
- Then click "My Sites."
- Choose a site to analyze.
- The "Points to target" column is shown to the right of the "Site target" column.
Picture 1: My Sites page where the "Points to target" column can be found.
The column can also be found when grouping sites together. Then the user will get "Points to target" accumulated across more pages in a group that the user has created.
Picture 2: My Sites page where the "Points to target" can be found also when grouping pages.
"Accessibility site target" widget
The widget called "Accessibility site target" is found via the dashboard, and it shows the absolute number needed to reach a target, as well as a bar indicator showing the progress.
How to find the "Accessibility site target" widget:
- In the dashboard view click "Add widget."
- In the widget overview search for "Accessibility site target."
- Choose the widget from the list.
- Add the widget by pressing the blue button in the bottom right corner of the window.
Picture 3: "Accessibility site target" widget showing points and progress towards a set goal.
Historic progress to target graph
We are also introducing a graph which will show you historic progress towards the target you set.
Picture 4: "Accessibility site target" graph.
This graph will be available on the new Site target page and as a widget, you can put on your dashboard.
2. More customization options for Site target
We are launching a new page for setting and editing your site target. This page will have all the same options as the previous modal but now also allow you to specify which WCAG version you are targeting as well as include only Issues, Potential issues, or both.
The page can be found in the Accessibility menu. However, if you want to configure your target for all sites on the account you can find a similar page in the settings menu if you are an account owner or administrator.
This is how you can find the account-wide site target page:
- Click 'Settings'.
- Navigate to 'Content'.
- Click Accessibility account-wide site target.
Picture 5: The menu where you can customize the site target setup for different sites.
As mentioned at the beginning of this article, these features are part of the Q2 2023 launch happening May 31st. More information about the launch will follow.
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