June 20th, 2024: Cross-sites Reporting for Policy
What is Cross-sites Reporting for Policy about?
It can be frustrating when Policy matches are across multiple sites and you want to download your full overview into Microsoft Excel.
Before this update, you needed to look at each site, download the matches, and then combine each of them into one Excel sheet.
With “Cross-sites Reporting for Policy,” you can:
- Select “All sites” in the top navigation
- Click on the "more" option
- A new option “export all matches” will appear. The information will download into an Excel file
Why use Cross-sites Reporting for Policy?
This feature saves time when using the Policy module in Siteimprove and makes it easier and more intuitive to use the feature itself. Workarounds are no longer needed.
Where is Cross-sites Reporting for Policy found?
1. Click on "Policy"

2. Click on "My policies"

3. Click on "Actions"
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